Birthday in February

 At the end of winter, wonderful people are born with complex, unique characters. Studying the features of your own zodiac sign is one of the important ways of self-knowledge. And if someone close to you was born in February, understanding their "star" characteristics will help you establish the most harmonious relationship.

 Windy Aquarius: the many-sided February zodiac sign

February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Saturn's leadership provides the Aquarian dreamer with the necessary earthiness and can even create a depressive mood at times.

At the same time, exalted Uranus rewards them with an intuitive spirituality and the ability to generate completely original ideas.

Thus, representatives of this winter sign in some periods of life find themselves on a kind of "swing": they can change at different ages from the state of eccentric geniuses to overly cautious pragmatists.

It is easy to guess that the main life task of Aquarius is to maintain harmonious balance.

Excessive emotionality combined with great imagination can drive them into the complexes of "unrecognized geniuses", and the tendency to dismiss all ideas as unrealistic - on the contrary, can lead to missed opportunities and an overly boring life.

In general, Aquarians are friendly and loyal, bright, strong and lively people who just need to take into account the difficult characters of the "star" patrons and their conflicting influences.


 Susceptible Pisces: the emotional zodiac sign of February

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Pisces is also ruled by two planets:

Jupiter provides an energy boost, helping these natural born fatalists not only to go with the flow, but also to choose life directions for themselves.

Neptune generously endows the representatives of this sign with imagination - right up to fantasy.

Selflessness and hyperactive perception can be both a blessing and a problem for Pisces, depending on the specific situation.

These "winter" people have a difficult relationship with religion: they strive for faith, while intuitively relying on karma and unforgiving fate.

Pisces are usually very responsive, have excellent intuition.

You just need to make sure that their rich imagination does not lead them away on the wrong path of mirages, because distortions in the perception of the world make communication difficult, making a person an eccentric.


Horoscope by Date of Birth

December       January       February 
March            April              May
  June                July            August
 September       October      November


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