Birthday in September

 The beginning of autumn, gentle and charming September unites the birth dates of two wonderful zodiac signs. These "autumn" people have similarities, but there are also striking differences. Let's take a closer look at the autumn zodiac!

 Discerning Virgo: the neat autumn zodiac sign

September: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Almost the entire September is the time of Virgos, observant and logical, excellent performers, responsible and charming people who love children and tirelessly put things in order in their world.

The natural downside to this approach to life is exhausting criticism: Virgos are often not good enough for their own highest standards, and others can also be pestered with valuable guidance.

At the same time, their inherent clear mind allows Virgo, with a certain effort, to keep within realistic frameworks.

Thanks to their excellent memory and attention to detail, they rarely become victims of deception, and hard work, combined with enviable energy, allows them to achieve heights in any business.

However, Virgos rarely strive to lead.

This zodiac sign needs to curb its "inner critic", which can lead to the emergence of excessive timidity, fear of starting any business for fear of failure.

It is desirable for Virgos to fight the scattering of their ideas and give free rein to the liveliness and courage of reason.


 Enchanting Libra: The Changeable Autumn zodiac Sign

September: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Libra's indecision and the difficulty of making quick decisions have become a legend - while the people of this sign are distinguished by incredible charm, excellent abilities for the fine arts, kindness and sensitivity.

Artistic and affectionate Libras are elegant, sociable and practically devoid of internal aggression.

However, the instability of character makes them susceptible to all kinds of influences (including bad ones), and a passion for a good pastime can lead them into immoderation and viciousness.

It is advisable for Libras to avoid idleness and passivity, develop their natural abilities more excellent, communicate freely - but not allow other people to lead them.

These subjects of Venus take full advantage of her best features: beauty and compassion, spirituality and charm.

The overall influence of the planet is usually positive, but it is advisable to avoid the wrong inclinations Libra carefully, due to the general gentleness of character.


Horoscope by Date of Birth

December       January       February 
March            April              May
  June                July            August
 September       October      November


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