Birthday in October

Mid-autumn is a magical time, a period of inevitable changes and a kind of rebirth. It was during this period that wonderful personalities were born, amazing and multifaceted. Let's get acquainted with the October zodiac and learn about their features, positive and negative sides of character.

 Changeable Libra: the zodiac sign that opens October

October: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

The main part of October is under the sign of Libra - people of this sign are very reminiscent of their symbol, they tend to hesitate and sometimes be indecisive.

Their life is determined by the influence of Venus, so that their main interests are usually sensual pleasures, love of beauty, bright sociability.

Often deprived of internal balance, Libra strives to harmonize the whole world around: they are non-aggressive, like to act as conciliators, are interested in all types of arts, in a word, they decorate and ennoble life.

As a rule, these "autumn" people are very attractive and pretty, they know how to be elegant, highly spiritual, they are distinguished by a kind and light disposition.

However, the influence of Lady Venus can also provoke corresponding shortcomings: a tendency to excessive laziness, passion for pleasures up to falling into vices.

So it is precisely the maintenance of balance that is really the main life task of Libra - fortunately, they have all the abilities for this!


 Ardent Scorpios: a bright conclusion to the October zodiac

October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 

At the end of October, the Scorpions come into force, ruled by the warlike Mars: this heavenly patron endows them with strong passions and powerful energy.

The nature and fate of a particular representative of this sign depends on how exactly these ambiguous gifts appear.

Courageous and active, Scorpios do not always know how to restrain their aggressiveness: they are energetic and subject to strong emotions, in particular, they are jealous and sometimes even unrestrained.

A practical mind and the ability to act ensures their success, however, representatives of this ardent sign should tame their subconscious, trying not to enter into conflicts without really serious reasons.

The will and honesty of some Scorpios can be reborn into pride and arrogant stubbornness, and the thirst for activity - into a steady movement on the occasion of their own, not always good, instincts.

They need to use the liveliness of their intellect in order to understand others and to cooperate with them.

Frightening impulses should be contained.

Horoscope by Date of Birth

December       January       February 
March            April              May
  June                July            August
 September       October      November


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