Personal birthday horoscope

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Such a horoscope will reveal the potential of a person and can be used in predictive astrology.

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  • day / month / year of birth;
  • place of birth;
  • time of birth;
If the time of birth is known as day / night:
  • then the horoscope is compiled at midnight / noon.



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5) After that, you pay (PayPal) the second half of the order value.

6) After confirmation of payment, the calculation will be sent to your email address.


Consider the natal horoscope of a celebrity Oprah Winfrey (for example).

Aquarius, astrology, celebrity horoscope, horoscope, natal,

Oprah Gail Winfrey (born Oprah Gail Winfrey is an American media executive, actress, talk show host, television producer, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show.

She was born on January 29, 1954
10:30:00 GMT
Birth place coordinates 33°06'n - 089°25'w

Birth map

Aquarius, astrology, celebrity horoscope, horoscope, natal,

Horoscope houses are calculated according to the Koch system:


Asc - 29  49' 34"
   II - 28  31' 29"
  III - 04  58' 39"
   IC - 17  35' 41"
    V - 11  25' 58"
   VI - 05  04' 21"
  Dsc - 29  49' 34"
 VIII - 28  31' 29"
   IX - 04  58' 39"
   MC - 17  35' 41"
   XI - 11  25' 58"
XII - 05  04' 21"


Planet  --- Longitude  --- Speed  --- Latitude  --- PV  --- St. ---  House  --- Power  --- Motionless stars

      Sun     08  59' 35"     +1.0158 [+0.9856]     00°00' n 311°26'     18°01' s    II     3.3
     Moon     04  31' 58"     +12.429 [+13.177]     03°59' s     241°46'     24°59' s     XI     3.0
 Mercury     19  09' 4"     +1.7455 [+0.9856]     01°45' s     322°09'     16°45' s     II     3.1   
   Venus     08  51' 3"     +1.2562 [+0.9856]     01°09' s     311°36'     19°10' s     II     5.1   
           Mars     23  34' 6"     +0.5729 [+0.5243]     01°01' n     231°27'     17°42' s     XI     4.6     Agen (1  )
      Jupiter     16  39' 4" R     -0.0406 [+0.0833]     00°23' s     075°33'     22°24' n     VI     4.8     Rigel (V  )
Saturn     09  02' 7"     +0.0329 [+0.0337]     02°28' n     217°27'     12°11' s     X     4.7
Uranus      20  18' 9" R     -0.0399 [+0.0117]     00°30' n     112°03'     22°25' n     VII     3.8
Neptune     26  03' 8" R      -0.0009 [+0.0060]     01°43' n     204°48'     08°29' s     X     4.7   
      Pluto     24  09' 1" R     -0.0234 [+0.0040]     10°03' n     150°04'     22°56' n     VIII     5.1

Karmic lunar nodes:
North Node     23  55' 6"     +0.0240 [-0.0530]     00°00' n     295°49'     21°20' s     I     3.3
 South Node     23  55' 6"     +0.0240 [-0.0530]  00°00' n     115°49'     21°20' n     VII     3.5  

White Moon (Selena) 
in Astrology in general and in the birth chart in particular determines a person’s connection with a light egregore. It shows how much a person can act as a conductor of light forces. 
 Selena     10  30' 3"     +0.1408 [+0.1408]     00°00' n     038°05'     14°59' n     IV   

Black Moon (Lilith)
on the contrary, indicates a connection with the dark egregore - how much a person is prone to vices and sinful deeds.

 Lilith     14  48' 8"     +0.1113 [+0.1113]     00°00' n     193°38'     05°50' s     IX     

Horoscope interpretation
Sun (In astrology, the Sun is responsible for the personal "I am", for any manifestations of the "I am")
in Aquarius   08  59' 35"

You are freedom-loving. 

You have a strong will. 

In evaluations, you rely only on your mind and persistently strive to build your life as you see fit, even if you violate generally accepted rules and traditions. 
In a personal relationship, you are not capable of giving yourself into power to anyone. And although you acknowledge that when you receive something from a person, you need to give back part of yourself in return, it is not easy for you to accept this emotional balance of close relationships.

Although intellectually you are an open person, in individual communication, one on one, you are extremely stubborn, incapable of perceiving someone else's opinion, inflexible. 

You have strong beliefs about what is fair and what is not, regarding equality in relations, and you try to live in accordance with your ideals. But your ideal ideas about how people should relate to each other do not always take into account human weaknesses, differences and needs. 

You probably don’t like sentimentality, the traditional distinction between gender roles and the “games” people play.

Your strongest qualities: 

You are concerned that people have to live better, that society have to functions better. 
You have developed a sense of justice, democracy, the ability to look forward. 

Your shortcomings:

and even dullness when it comes to personal feelings and human needs. 

Sun in the II house

Ownership gives you a sense of security, and you are very partial to what you own. 

You also have a natural, instinctive understanding of everything related to the economy, finance, trade and valuation of goods.


Moon (sensual world of personality)
 in Sagittarius   04  31' 58"

You are an open and generous person. You have a lot of friends and acquaintances. You succeed, being able to communicate with people, enterprising, perceive life as a game. You are freedom-loving and always ready to party.

Obstacles and difficulties made you upset very rarely. Overcoming them helps you to believe in an optimistic future. However, when faced with everyday problems or emotional pain, you often try to encourage those who are in pain to give them general philosophical advice, not paying attention to the feelings that are affected.

Friendship plays a huge role for you. Perhaps even more than physical and romantic love. For your happiness it is necessary that the one with whom you are intimately close is your best friend and supports you in your expectations and goals of an ideal order. At the same time, you need more emotional freedom and mobility.

Moon in the XI house

Strong need for friendship and teamwork.

Dating is easy to make, but relationships are short-lived.

Hopes, goals, desires depend on the mood. The mood depends on the opinions and reactions of friends.

A lot of women around. Often friendships are through family ties.
To a large extent, you express yourself emotionally by participating in social activities, various groups, clubs, organizations or through the company of close friends who support you and care about you.

Your friends are your family, and you have kindred feelings for people who share your ideals and beliefs. You need people outside your actual family with whom you could keep in touch.


Venus (sexuality)
in Aquarius   08  51' 3"

In romantic love, in sexual relationships you are an open person, not inclined to follow traditional paths.

You love society, love to introduce people. You have many friends, both men and women. You value friendship and, in fact, prefer to be a friend rather than a lover.

You seek intellectual understanding or spiritual ties with your loved one. Intimate relationships and emotional relationships are not easy for you. The role of husband or wife in the traditional sense of the word does not appeal to you. You hate jealousy and the fact that you are commanded. Considering that people in a marriage do not belong to each other, you value in your partner the ability to give you freedom, not to make you demands emotionally.

Often suffer from anemia.

Venus in the II house

Love of wealth, values, objects of art, jewelry, all the beautiful that you can buy for money.

You think that care and tenderness should be expressed tangibly, and you love to give and receive gifts.

You value luxury, comfort, grace, beautiful things.

You can be self-indulgent and extravagant.

You need to beware of the desire to consider the people you love and everything that surrounds you as your inseparable property.


Mercury (mind, communication)
 in Aquarius   19  09' 4"

You closely monitor progress, especially technical achievements, new and decisive discoveries in the field of science. You are sure that the problems facing humanity can be resolved by creative intelligence, inventive intelligence. You are irritated by those whose conservative, devoid of imagination worldview is not capable of seeing a progressive development perspective.

You also like to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of interstate relations. As a humanist, you are convinced that what happens in one part of the world affects another part of it.
You have organizational abilities and you like to take part in all kinds of undertakings on a cooperative basis or in private entrepreneurship that goes on a level with the century and is original.

Mercury in the II house

Thinking under the influence of transactions and money matters. There is a businesslike attitude in those areas related to communication: writing, publishing, radio, television, telephone, teaching. The pursuit of higher education to improve the chances of earning.

Your mental abilities and intelligence are focused on practical goals, and any abstract idea or concept interests you in terms of having a tangible result. You are very interested in finance, economics and ways of making money.


Mars (determination and voice)
in Scorpio   23  34' 6" 

You have an extremely strong will, pursuing the goal, fulfill your desires passionately, persistently and decisively. You are capable of absolute concentration of attention and striking self-discipline. Having made a decision, you are unshakable, became a "brick wall". You are obsessed with your desire.

Your intuition is highly developed, and sometimes you don’t even know why you are doing that way and not otherwise.

However, you are quite secretive. Others, may not see at first glance the intensity of your intentions, desires, you act so calmly and restrained.

Often you manipulate people, forcing them to do what you need, not them, but do not show aggression. You do not like collisions, conflicts, but if you are faced with active resistance, then you are a dangerous opponent. Here something primitive is revealed in you.

Mars in the XI house

You can be a player in a team, work well in collaboration with others - those who share your goals, ideals and intentions. You can coordinate group efforts and inspire people to work towards a common goal.

Team sports give you a lot of pleasure, and you could be a leader, coach or director in any collective business.


Saturn (zeal, self-discipline and limitations) (a strict teacher who is interested to gain experience in us and we become stronger, wiser and more enduring)
in Scorpio   09  02' 7"

Responsibility, efficiency in financial matters (associations, societies, taxes, inheritances, insurance, etc.). Persistence in business. But very possible that quarrels about inheritance, taxes, joint finances became the subject of litigation, and resulting in losses.

Reassessing yourself, leading to stubbornness.

Seriousness up to melancholy.

Indifference to religion.

As a rule, friends are older, friendship brings success.

Saturn in the X house

You are very conscious, responsible and concerned about the performance of your duty, the way you look in society and your reputation.

You are constantly striving for growth.

You understand the need for hard work and careful planning in order to achieve something substantial and, having outlined a goal, are capable of high self-discipline and patience.

You judge yourself very strictly if you cannot succeed, and if the world does not recognize your efforts, you can become cold, embittered, and cynical.


Jupiter (social planet of great achievements)
in Gemini   16  39' 4" R

Propensity to philosophy and the study of authoritative ideas in religion, law. You have the ability to see the connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or worlds and connect them together.

Ability to teach, journalism, penchant for scientific research. You shine in any activity that requires a clear intellect, the ability to handle the word and establish connections.

Curiosity, mental development, often higher education. You have insatiable curiosity and can read or watch TV, in order to satisfy your need for mental activity, without stop. Your mind does not know respite. But! Intellectual snobbery and amateurism are possible.

Often you can grasp many trends in social, political and historical development. You are a "backstage leader" who want to be with the people, and not lead a lonely life in the palace. You are very friendly with subordinates, and they love you.

But often underestimate the difficulties. Chances play a big role in life.

And at the same time, you are "play-maker" and large-scale "beggar".

Many friends and many contacts. Helpful.

Thirst for travel.

Jupiter in the VI house

You have a serious and creative attitude to work - what other people consider a heavy and tedious duty.

You like to help people improve their lives, and the more you serve others, the more benefits and rewards you receive in return.

A very good way for you is to promote health in some way.

Jupiter in the retrograde phase of motion (problems that impede the realization of potential)

A person can be deprived of the attention of society, they are hindered in the promotion and development of his authority. Honors is not spoiled such a person, especially if he himself aspires to them.

A person can be a good teacher, mentor, but for this you do not need to be active and offer yourself. The students will find you themselves.

Uranus (creativity and love of freedom)
in Cancer   20  18' 9" R 

Unorthodox views on households and family life, the desire for independence from the strict authority of parents.

Accelerated growth and early puberty.

An unexpected change of moods, a big conceit and touchiness.

Your home is a gathering place for friends and groups. Often friends become family members.

Uranus in the VII house

You need unlimited freedom in close relationships one on one and you can experiment with non-traditional forms of relationships. When it comes to marriage or personal relationships, you rebel against conventions and limitations and will probably choose a very unusual, eccentric, out-of-range partner.

Uranus in the retrograde phase of motion

A person may be interested in astrology, parapsychology, occultism, but not actively engage in these things until fate itself makes an offer to him. If he is patient, then the situation itself will attract to him, and a person will be given the opportunity to manifest.

Neptune (creativity, talents)
in Libra   26  03' 8" R 

You were born in a 14-year period, when people sharing a very idealized understanding of universal brotherhood and global cooperation were born. Among these is the movement for peace and freedom. 

People of your age group are also interested in spiritual philosophy and cultural traditions of other nations. They are devoid of dogmatism in relation to religion, absorbing these concepts. People of your age group are inclined to an eclectic approach, assimilating elements of many systems (for example, eastern and western). It is difficult for them to follow the practice of religions, ossified in their tradition.

Gullibility and inability to make decisions makes people of your age group easily susceptible to deception. As a result of this, many ideals and goals conceived with the best of intentions collapse completely due to the lack of a clear goal and direction.

Neptune in X house

You are a very idealistic person and want to see your ideals, hopes and dreams embodied in the concrete reality of the everyday world. You seek to make your ideals act.

In your youth, you may have had difficulty finding your goal or place in life. At the beginning of your independent life, you were probably busy looking for ways to show your imagination and ideals in your career.

Your calling may be work that requires compassionate service - for example, medicine.

If you lack integrity and honesty, you quickly slide to the opposite extreme and can contrast yourself with others with dishonesty and deceit.

Music, art, cinema and pop art - such areas of activity are well suited to you.

Neptune in the retrograde phase of motion

In this human life there is a lot of chaos, self-deception, suggestibility, painful sensibility. He may have a penchant for alcoholism or drug addiction.

It is recommended to engage in creativity, music.

It is necessary to develop your inner world, to comprehend the highest cosmic vibrations, the harmony of the spheres.

Pluto (instincts, subconsciousness and self-realization)      
in Leo   24  09' 1" R 

You were born in a 20-year period when people, who are called the generation "I am - the first letter of the alphabet" were born.  Its representatives are proud and self-confident people who attach great importance to self-expression and internal integrity. The struggle for the rights of women and for the rights of national minorities is deeply interested in your generation, which meets the interest in respecting personality and dignity. People of your age group with all their hearts understand that everyone, men and women, should have equal rights and opportunities for the full disclosure and realization of their inner potential.

However, it is difficult for your age group to be a member of the team, where the results of work directly depend on the joint efforts of all its members. Your highly developed egoistic principle hinders collective cooperation. You are inclined to believe that an individual is more important than a team, do not like superiors, believing that no one has the right to indicate what you should do. The active movement in defense of those who refuse to obey conscription is one example of the importance you attach to freedom and human rights.

But although you have made great efforts to make the idea of self-development of a person known to a wide circle, you have made a great contribution to the protection of human rights, however, people of your age group have an opposite tendency - self-closure. The surrounding may be surprised with your ability to devote a lot of time to yourself, taking it away from family and loved ones.

Each generation has its own heroes, idols, but your generation has a special need for a person who would personify and embody some kind of idea or feeling, for a person who would focus their interests. Perhaps the most striking example is the idea of the Guru, which has become famous and popular thanks to people of your age group.

Pluto in VIII house

You are a person of great depth and seriously interested in all the hidden, dark sides of life. What others are wary of, attracts you, and you strive to experience everything. You are intrigued by the use and abuse of personal, social, and political power.

Death is also a topic that you are fascinated by and which you can deeply explore. You may have many situations that force you to burn bridges and start all over again.

Pluto in the retrograde phase of motion

A person is drawn to the rostrum, politics, or to the criminal world. But any activity in these areas will not be encouraged. If a person seeks to become a leader, the team will crush and trample him. However, if he calms down, does not show activity, then everything can come to him by itself.


Karmic lunar nodes

This topic is primarily for those people who believe in karma and in their karmic tasks, as well as in the idea of ​​reincarnation and destiny. 

South node show the experience and tasks that a person faced in a past life or past incarnations. 

North node in the horoscope indicate the tasks that are given to person here and now. 

With what mission did the human soul come to this incarnation? What are some important lessons a person faces? Having studied the lunar nodes in the horoscope, you can find the answers to these questions.

If you don’t believe in fate or predestination, then you should not consider lunar nodes in the horoscope.

North node 
in Capricorn  23  55' 6"  
South node 
in Cancer   23  55' 6"

The main direction of personality development is focused on solving problems associated with the formation of an internal core, an individual value system, and a rigid inflexible position. Initially given the skill of emotional complicity, the ability to abandon the personal for the sake of the interests of the clan, homeland.

Best way - the spiritual growth of personality; the upbringing in oneself of the highest spiritual qualities, separation from the roots, a breakthrough in the evolution of one's own personality.

Worst way - the orientation of all character traits toward the realization of simple, initially obtained skills. The waste of innate abilities, spiritual stagnation and degradation of personality. Failure to fulfill the karmic task.

North node in I house   
South node in VII house

This aspect gives a hostile attitude towards tradition. A person inclined to polemize with it internally.

In his opinion, his external enemies seek to speculate on traditions, pull out dilapidated dogmas and try to resurrect them, and a person will fight this internally, but often also externally. Any person who supports the tradition more than he considers necessary, he is inclined to place in his open enemies, although (karmically) should not be so straightforward. On the contrary, he will gladly discuss with his partners a tradition that is pleasant to him and will try to continue it, especially with his family, whose traditions are dear to him and essential for the sustainability of life.

The news of social life excites him personally, he has an aggravated reaction to the turns and whirlpools of the social current, and his personality tends to change with them. For example, he always has excellent contact with young people, because his perceptions and ways of self-expression are always up-to-date, and youth slang will not catch him by surprise.

In internal development, this person is interested in expanding the possibilities of perceiving the world and expressing himself, and here he is capable of much, especially with a strong first home, when, however, self-expression is easily replaced by narcissism.

To avoid this, you should pay attention to criticism from enemies and partners. Relations with which should be inspected from time to time, but rather improved slightly, covering up cracks and making other repairs, but not completely rebuild again.


White Moon (Selena) (in Astrology in general and in the birth chart in particular, determines a person’s connection with a light egregore. It shows how much a person can act as a conductor of light forces).
in Taurus   10  30' 3"

In a past life, you were generous and disinterested, were not attached to material wealth, therefore, in this life, you get support, you will always be materially safe, have good health and good energy. If you try to earn money dishonestly, then the White Moon will not allow you to do this.

You continue to move in the same direction in which you moved in the past, that is, you remain generous and disinterested, help people, and the more you give, the more you get. Moreover, this applies not only to money, but also to energy, therefore this position of the White Moon is often the case with healers.

On the high level you can be the keeper of the information bank, the holder of the energy of egregore, that is, you create the foundation for the whole tradition, create the material and energy base for it.

Selena in the IV house

(+) - favorable karma of the ancestors, all the best in genes is manifested, good heredity, support for occult traditions, help from the dead, invisible patrons. 

Happiness and a bright path in the homeland, replenishment from the karma of one’s people, can become a national hero.

(-) - emptiness in the family, at home, boredom at the hearth.


Black Moon (Lilith) (on the contrary, indicates a connection with the dark egregore - how much a person is prone to vices and sinful deeds).
in Libra   14  48' 8"

Sensuality, growing into voluptuousness, can be effectively used in the artistic profession. 

Ability for forgery, bribery.

Lilith in the IX house

Possible rejection of their beliefs, the betrayal of the teacher. 

Craving for vagrancy, vicious eroticism.


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