Birthday in July

 July is the middle, the very height of summer. What interesting character traits have prepared the stars for the July signs of the zodiac? Now we will understand. The only thing that can be said with confidence right away is that Cancer and Leo, although they are close, are in fact almost complete opposites of each other in temperament and life preferences.

 Dreamy Cancer: the zodiac sign of July living by their fantasies

July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Without exaggeration, such people can be called philosophers, thinkers and restless dreamers, of course, because Cancer is patronized by the Moon.

Calm by nature, with a phlegmatic character, Cancers are prone to self-flagellation and are prone to frequent depression.

But if Cancer has a good mood, it is transmitted to everyone around them, so Cancers are emotional.

Cancers do not like to reinvent the wheel, they usually follow the already explored path, and use only proven means to achieve their goals.

Easily finding a common language even with strangers, Cancers can spend hours passionately sharing their thoughts with friends.

Good comrades, they, like no one else, know how to keep secrets.

Also, Cancers are not peculiar to wastefulness, on the contrary, they carefully save up both money and things, dishes, furniture, even in food they show frugality and never waste it in vain and do not buy excess.


 Majestic Leo: July zodiac sign with special willpower

July: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Leo is the most strong-willed of all zodiac signs. Constantly being under the influence of our luminary, the Sun, Lions have leadership abilities, they make good leaders.

Also endowed with remarkable intelligence, they often occupy leadership positions in the highest echelons of power.

If we talk about moral qualities, then Leo is characterized by high kindness, nobility and honor.

Due to their impulsive, choleric nature, they tend to make hasty, not always well-grounded decisions. And only daily work on themselves will allow Leo to direct their irrepressible energy in the right direction.

Of the negative traits, aggressiveness, frequent irritability can be distinguished.

They tend to be arrogant and turn up their noses even in front of friends.

A person who intends to connect his life with Leo needs to tune in to the fact that Leo will always be in charge - in the family, at work, in the company.


Horoscope by Date of Birth

December       January       February 
March            April              May
  June                July            August
 September       October      November


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