Birthday in April

The bright and controversial April seems to have conveyed some of its difficult character to the people born in this month. Among the spring zodiacal signs, April days are divided among themselves by Aries and Taurus, which are distinguished by strong potential and expressive characteristics. Let's take a closer look at what the stars say about those born in April.

 Explosive Aries: the main April zodiac sign

April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Almost the whole month is under the rule of ambitious, fiery, invincible Aries. It is not for nothing that their planet is warlike Mars, and the element is a bright and burning fire: these are strong people who know how to inspire others and achieve their goals.

Leadership, perseverance and leadership combined with strong will can help them achieve unprecedented heights.

However, the other side of the coin - hot temper, aggressiveness, sometimes excessive passion (both in sex and in business relations) - can spoil a lot.

It is better for Aries to use their iron will to deal with outbursts of rage and vain aspirations, which can lead to conflicts and even trauma.

The path to harmony lies through self-control - this April zodiac sign should not be forgotten.

It's also a good idea to listen not only to seething feelings (such as anger or jealousy) - but also to the interlocutor.

Aries sometimes have to specifically learn sensitivity, but such efforts help get rid of disharmony and live in peace.


 Sensual Taurus: the zodiac sign that ends April

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Taurus is ruled by gentle Venus. Thanks to its "loving" influence, people born during this period are distinguished by their love of life, joy, and a craving for pleasure.

They are welcoming and charming, and they easily come with casual elegance and mesmerizing artistry.

However, it was not without some flaws: Taurus easily rush to extremes, especially in entertainment and pleasures, they are also vulnerable to the spell of vanity.

The brightness of feelings inherent in this sign can be transformed from complacency into an obsessive exaggeration of any suffering.

So Taurus will also benefit from learning self-control: mastering your own emotions will help you cope with the difficult influence of the eccentric Venus. The main thing is that the feeling of beauty and friendliness do not develop into wastefulness and excess.


Horoscope by Date of Birth

December       January       February 
March            April              May
  June                July            August
 September       October      November


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