Probably, everyone already knows about the influence of the Moon on our body.
But did you know that the earthly satellite is able to affect not only health and well-being, but also the condition of the hair? But our ancestors guessed about this, after which they began to carry out haircuts and hair coloring according to the lunar calendar.
After all, when the Moon during the next hair experiments is in the wrong phase, then the color may look dull, faded, and the haircut itself may be unsuccessful, and the hair will grow back indefinitely.
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Hair plays not only aesthetic and protective role, but also preserves in itself a powerful energy reserve.
Typically we use color change, length reduction, for physical transformation. In other words, this is the easiest way to:
- emphasize the good side,
- hide the deficiencies,
- refresh the outside,
- increase the attractiveness.
Everyone needs a modern style, for which the lunar calendar of hair cuts and coloring, which gives tips for every month, is ideally suited.
So, to believe or not to believe the lunar hair coloring calendar is a purely individual matter.
Calendar 2021
Good days ( colored with green color on the calendar)
If you would like to have passed your hairstyle remarkably, then opt for a good days.
After a haircut, the relationship with the opposite sex will change for the better.
Any health-improving procedures will be successful.
Hair coloring these days is very favorable for creating a beautiful look that will last a long time.
Money haircut
A modern person is accustomed to living according to the laws of logic, neglecting the ancient methods that prove their validity for more than a thousand years.
The Moon is not just an earthly satellite, but also an important energy source that influences the life of all creatures of this planet.
Those who have the knowledge of the Lunar calendar are able to create a good way of their own development and even bring wealth to their lives.
Many people are surprised, but there are certain days when the energy balance is so huge, which gives its generosity to those who knows how to use it.
The easiest and most profitable way is the day of the money haircut. What are we talking about?
Usually, changing the hairstyle seems to be something completely ordinary. Unfortunately, many people use it only to maintain the look. In this case, there is a loss of opportunity to improve the financial position.
In every lunar month of 2021, there are certain days when the reduction in length will be most favorable for the maternal flow. In other words, you just need to remove the tips, and you are already on the path of wealth and prosperity. How does it work? Since ancient times, people believed that the hair plays the role of some kind of cosmic aerial, receiving energy waves. The correct use of changing the way will help to direct these waves to the humanization of life and replenishment of the budget.
How do you choose the right time for your money haircut? The easiest way is to use special lunar calendar, in which successful and unsuccessful days are recorded for changing hairstyles, as well as providing additional instructions of your look improvements.
It is important to understand that haircuts during a good day is an obligatory condition for financial well-being.
Of course, not everyone can allow themselves frequent hair-salon visits. In this case, invite to yourself the person whom you trust. The process of cutting is able to be purely symbolic.
But! There are certain nuances.
- Do not cut the tips yourself,
- never reach the hairs with the scissors with your own hands.
Such manipulations have a negative effect on your bio-field, treat diseases and take luck.
Bad days ( colored with red color on the calendar)
Do not forget that hairs are especially sensitive to energy and a bad day is able to disrupt plans for the future and even withdraw vitality.
Therefore, be very careful when choosing a time to hair procedures and make various changes to your image.
TOP - 7 fashion trends for different hair lengths
Neutral days ( colored with grey color on the calendar)
On these days, you need to carry out various pleasant procedures: moisturizing, massage, nutritional masks.
TOP - 7 fashion trends for different hair lengths
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