
Ask an astrologer: E-mail: astrology4person@yahoo.com

Open the veil of secrecy over people who were born under this amazing sign in order to better understand them.

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Pisces: people born between February 19 March 20

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
March: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Sign meaning: Two fish swimming in opposite directions

Pisces Symbol: ♓

Sign Type: Water - Mutable - Negative

Planet Pisces: Neptune

Lucky Day: Thursday and Monday

Pisces complete the zodiacal circle. This is one of the most sentimental and sensitive signs that truly empathize with someone else's grief.

Pisces are timid by nature, one might even say weak-willed. They go with the flow and are easy to control. Because of this, they often find themselves in unpleasant situations.

This sign is dual. Pisces do not know how to fight for rights, they do not defend their opinion. However, if you make them angry, then you can see a completely different person. It is difficult to calm down an angry representative of this sign. Pisces often go to extremes. They can fall in a tantrum over little things and stay calm when in danger.

Pisces quickly find a common language with people, they cannot fully understand only themselves. Sometimes they seem helpless. You want to feel sorry for them, help them in self-realization, but Pisces can hardly accept help. They are not optimistic, they prefer to live in their own world of suffering. Pisces need space. In private, they put their thoughts in order and calm down.

Pisces has a hard life, there are many failures and dishonest people on their way. In companions needs a strong partner who will guide them.

In love, Pisces are unlucky, and all because of their melancholic nature. They turn themselves inside out for the sake of their other half, but even after that, the relationship ends in a breakup. Pisces fall in love sincerely and are able to keep their feelings for life. There is passion, respect, dedication and understanding in relationships. But if the feelings have passed, then it is impossible to keep the Pisces representative near you. They will slip right out from under the nose, and they can hang on their soulmate their debts.


free,clipart, PNG, image,Pisces, Famous Pisces

  • Rihanna, 
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt, 
  • Kyle McLachlan, Steve Jobs, 
  • Natalia Vodianova, 
  • Justin Bieber, 
  • Thomas Anders.

astrology, horoscope, Pisces, Pisces strengths and weaknesses

Pisces has much fewer positive qualities than negative ones. This is due to their susceptibility to negative emotions.

Pisces strengths:

Pisces are wise, sympathetic and condescending. They differ from other signs by their unselfishness and ability to truly love.
  • the ability to make profitable business connections;
  • high adaptation to any environment;
  • resistance to difficulties, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • good sense of humor;
  • developed intuition;
  • the ability to manipulate people when it comes to money.
Weak sides:

Sentimentality is one of the negative characteristics of the Pisces zodiac sign.

A significant disadvantage of Pisces is that they live in a fictional world. They find it difficult to believe in reality.

Pisces indulge not only strangers, but also their own weaknesses. In their youth, morality is alien to them, they can abuse alcohol or drugs. It is necessary in time to direct them on the path of truth.
  • openness and receptivity;
  • exposure to other people's influence;
  • lack of personal opinion;
  • insecurity, inability to stand up for oneself;
  • evasion of responsibility;
  • lack of self-discipline.

free, clipart, PNG,transparent,background, The element of the sign Pisces and their talisman

Pisces are a representative of the water element. They are under the auspices of the planet Neptune. They believe in mysticism, so the choice of a talisman is very important for them.

The following stones are suitable for this sign:
  • Amethyst. Protects from witchcraft, disease and suspends old age. Amethyst cannot be worn regularly, otherwise it will lose its strength.
  • Moonstone. Fulfills cherished desires, brings good luck and helps to establish a personal life.
  • Tiger's eye. Strengthens willpower.
  • Emerald. Brings harmony to life.
  • Pearl. It is a symbol of a happy married life.

Lucky colors

Bring good luck to Pisces:
  • blue
  • steel
  • lavender.
  • aqua.
  • Water Lilies.
  • Pisces is a sign of water, the Pisces tree according to the horoscope is a weeping willow - the tree is the patron saint of Pisces women.
  • Pine - tree patron of Pisces men.
  • Linden - Pisces love talisman.
  • silver.
Lucky numbers

3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25, 30, 34, 43, 52


Take a look on the article ''Zodiac sign and location on the map''.

Pisces energy base:

''Fish'' cannot live without water, therefore, when blues and depression came to them, everything falls out of hand, and the body is exhausted to the limit, it is necessary to immediately satisfy the feeling of "wet", that is:
  • sit by a fountain, 
  • swim in a river, lake or artificial pool. 

The second and very important way of energetic filling of Pisces, as the most mystical and religious sign of the Zodiac, is visiting: 
  • churches, 
  • monasteries,
  • holy places. 

Perfectly Pisces "refuel" within:
  • the walls of the philharmonic and concert halls, 
because their patron Neptune loves music, church choral singing and prayers.

Now, thanks to the characteristics of the zodiac sign, Pisces will become at least a little closer and more understandable for you.


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anti-stress, 2020, astrology, horoscope, Pisces, predictions, weekly, free, Pisces, coloring page, printable,



Ask an astrologer: E-mail: astrology4person@yahoo.com


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